
Endpoints based around a brokerage template.

GET api/brokerageTemplate/{brokerageTemplateID}

Get brokerage template data with brokerage template id

GET api/brokerageTemplate?id={id}&name={name}&extRef={extRef}

Search brokerage template by criteria

POST api/brokerageTemplate

Amend brokerage template data


Report based endpoints.

GET api/report/getreports?reportTypes[0]={reportTypes[0]}&reportTypes[1]={reportTypes[1]}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get all reports by list of report types, startDate and endDate

GET api/report/{reportID}

Get file by file ID.

POST api/report/orderReporting

Generate Order Reporting report.

POST api/report/takeovers

Generate Takeovers Reporting report.

POST api/report/principalCrossingReporting

Generate Principal Crossing Reporting report.


Ordering based endpoints.

POST api/orders

Create a set of orders.

POST api/orders/order

Create a single order.

POST api/orders/order/active

Create a single active order.

POST api/orders/amendment

Create a amendment instruction for an order.

POST api/orders/amendment/active

Create an active amendment instruction for an order.

POST api/orders/amendments

Create amendment instructions for multiple orders.

POST api/orders/cancellation

Create a cancellation instruction for an order.

POST api/orders/cancellation/active

Create a cancellation instruction for an order.

POST api/orders/cancellations

Create cancellation instructions for multiple orders.

POST api/orders/approval

Create approval instruction for an order.

POST api/orders/rejection

Create rejection instruction for an order.

GET api/orders/v2?orderID[0]={orderID[0]}&orderID[1]={orderID[1]}&clientID={clientID}&status={status}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&clientName={clientName}&clientExtRef={clientExtRef}&securityCodes[0]={securityCodes[0]}&securityCodes[1]={securityCodes[1]}&buySell={buySell}&nettingOrderIDs[0]={nettingOrderIDs[0]}&nettingOrderIDs[1]={nettingOrderIDs[1]}

Get a list of orders details with wildcard support (*) for clientID, clientName and clientExternalRef parameter. e.g. Search client ID with value of 123, all clients with client ID contains of 123 will be returned. Version 2 will return less order information to the caller.

POST api/orders/valuation

Gets the estimated order valuation

GET api/orders/{orderID}/value

Get order values

GET api/orders/nettingorder/{nettingOrderID}

Get netting order with netting order ID

POST api/orders/{nettingOrderID}/allocation/valuation

Order Allocation Brokerage Valuation

POST api/orders/allocation

Create a set of order allocations.

POST api/orders/allocation/cancellation

Procces Institutional block trade cancellation from Omgeo

POST api/orders/ipo/block-allocations

Create a set of order allocations.

POST api/orders/institutionalTrade/block-allocations

Create a set of child order client allocation(s) on existing Master/Parent order client allocation.

POST api/orders/blockTrade/block-allocations

Create a set of child Block Trade allocation(s) on existing Master/Parent Block Trade allocation.

POST api/orders/ipo/cancel-allocation

Cancel IPO allocation

POST api/orders/blocktrade/cancel-allocation

Cancel Master Block Trade allocation and it's child allocation(s).

GET api/orders/simpleorders?orderID[0]={orderID[0]}&orderID[1]={orderID[1]}&clientID={clientID}&status={status}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&clientName={clientName}&clientExtRef={clientExtRef}&securityCodes[0]={securityCodes[0]}&securityCodes[1]={securityCodes[1]}&buySell={buySell}&nettingOrderIDs[0]={nettingOrderIDs[0]}&nettingOrderIDs[1]={nettingOrderIDs[1]}

Get a list of orders basic details with wildcard support (*) for clientID, clientName and clientExternalRef parameter. e.g. Search client ID with value of 123, all clients with client ID contains of 123 will be returned.

POST api/orders/institutionalTrade/block-fee

Publish Omgeo Create Block message

POST api/orders/blockTrade/block-fee

Publish Omgeo Create Block message for block trades

POST api/orders/ipo/block-fee

Publish Omgeo Create Block message for IPO/Placements


Endpoints based around a Company object.

GET api/company/{companyID}

Gets company details based on the company ID

GET api/company?date={date}&externalRef={externalRef}

Get all companies with matching date time created or updated, external reference

POST api/company

Create new company

POST api/company/{companyID}

Update a company

POST api/Company?companyID={companyID}

No documentation available.


Endpoints based around Platform information.

GET api/platform/leverageequitiespid

Get Leverage Equities PID in platform data

GET api/platform/GSTSchedule/{gSTScheduleRef}

Get GST Schedule details for a given GST reference value.

GET api/platform/Countries

Get List of Country


Endpoints based around a Person object.

GET api/person

Get basic person details

GET api/person/{personID}

Gets person details based on the person ID

GET api/person/persons?date={date}&externalRef={externalRef}

Get all persons with matching date time created or updated, external reference, person ID Get persons details

GET api/person/externalreference/{reference}

Get basic person details for a given external reference.

GET api/person/{personID}/clients

Return a list of client accounts for the given person ID.

GET api/person/validateuniqueness?email={email}&mobile={mobile}&userName={userName}&brandID={brandID}&externalAdviserReference={externalAdviserReference}

Validate person email, mobile or username uniqueness.

POST api/person

Create new person account

POST api/person/advisor-person

Create new advisor person

POST api/person/client-person

Create new person account

POST api/person/client-person/{personID}

Update a person account

GET api/person/watchscreens

Get person watchscreens list

POST api/person/watchscreen

Creates a watchscreen

POST api/person/watchscreen/{watchscreenID}

Updates a watchscreen via the supplied ID in the URL

GET api/person/chartparameters

Get person chart parameters

DELETE api/person/watchscreen/{watchscreenID}

Delete an existing watchscreen

POST api/person/watchscreen/{watchscreenID}/securities

Add securities to an existing watchscreen

DELETE api/person/watchscreen/{watchscreenID}/securities

Remove securities from an existing watchscreen

GET api/person/recentquotes

Gets a list of the most recently viewed security codes (up to a maximum of 5 codes) for the user.


Endpoint to query group's access right

GET api/accessrights?groupID={groupID}

Get the list of access rights for the authenticated user.

GET api/accessrights/groups/{groupID}

Get the list of access rights for the authenticated user based on the groupID passed in.

POST api/accessrights/accessright

Add a new access right based on data passed in

DELETE api/accessrights/accessright/{accessRightID}

Delete an existing access right

GET api/accessrights/audit

Get the audit records of access rights changes for Eclair Portal


Endpoints based around Advisor Teams management.

GET api/advisorteam/{advisorTeamID}

Get advisor team

POST api/advisorteam

Creates a new Advisor Team record


Endpoints to support Brand level functions

GET api/brand/{brandID}/contracts?date={date}

Get all contract notes generated on a specific day. Can be used to reconcile external systems.

GET api/brand/{brandID}/placementallocation-contractnotes?date={date}

Get all placement allocation contract notes by brand for a specific date so that placement allocation contract notes able to reconcile for client accounts.

GET api/brand/{brandID}/outstanding-fundobligations

Get all outstanding client fund obligations. This includes all fund obligations with status not set to 'complete' and/or 'AmountFunded' is less than 'Amount'. Can be used to reconcile external systems.

GET api/brand/{brandID}/holding-transactions?date={date}

Get all holding transactions generated on a specific day. Can be used to reconcile external systems

GET api/brand/{brandID}/outstanding-stockobligations

Get all outstanding stock obligations. This includes all stock obligations with status not set to 'complete' or 'QuantityFilled' is not equal to 'Quantity'. Can be used to reconcile external systems.

GET api/brand/{brandID}/holding-balances

Get all non-zero holding balances. Can be used to reconcile external systems.

GET api/brand/{brandID}/open-orders

Get all open orders. Can be used to reconcile external systems.


Endpoints based around External Transaction.

POST api/externaltransaction/cashMovements

For external parties to call and provide instructions to move cash for an external product.

POST api/externaltransaction/cashMovements/multiple-transactions

For external parties to call and provide instructions with multiple business transactions to move cash for an external product. Cash movement for Portfolio Service and Other Fees transaction type.


Endpoint to query access rights groups

GET api/accessrightgroups?authorityProviderID={authorityProviderID}

Get the list of access right groups for the authenticated user.


Endpoints based around a client account.

GET api/account/holdings?clientID={clientID}&adviserID={adviserID}&licenseeID={licenseeID}&personID={personID}&codes[0]={codes[0]}&codes[1]={codes[1]}&includeHistoricalHoldings={includeHistoricalHoldings}

Get portfolio holdings.

GET api/account/holdingtransactions?clientID={clientID}&adviserID={adviserID}&licenseeID={licenseeID}&codes[0]={codes[0]}&codes[1]={codes[1]}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get holding transaction history. Transaction data is limited to a 180 day range.

GET api/account/{clientId}/holdings/{securityCode}/transactions?includeHistoricalHoldings={includeHistoricalHoldings}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get a list of holding transactions associated with a client account and security code.

GET api/account/cash?clientID={clientID}&adviserID={adviserID}&personID={personID}

Get cash balances.

GET api/account/cashtransactions?clientID={clientID}&adviserID={adviserID}&personID={personID}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get cash transactions. Transaction data is limited to a 180 day range.

GET api/account/{clientID}/orders?status[0]={status[0]}&status[1]={status[1]}

Get a list of orders associated with a client account.

GET api/account/contractnotes?clientID={clientID}&adviserID={adviserID}&licenseeID={licenseeID}&personID={personID}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&contractNoteIDs[0]={contractNoteIDs[0]}&contractNoteIDs[1]={contractNoteIDs[1]}

Get contract notes. Transaction data is limited to a 180 day range.

GET api/account/{clientID}/availablefunds

Get available funds for client account

POST api/account/{clientID}/holdingtransaction

Update client holding cost value

POST api/account/client/{clientID}

Update a client account

GET api/account/client/{clientID}

Get client account with client ID

GET api/account/client?externalRef={externalRef}&clientName={clientName}&limitRecord={limitRecord}&facilityID={facilityID}&date={date}

Get all client accounts with matching by person principal brand ID / matching by external reference, client name, facility ID, date time created / updated with record limitation

GET api/account/client/v2?externalRef={externalRef}&clientName={clientName}&limitRecord={limitRecord}&facilityID={facilityID}&date={date}

Get all client accounts with matching by person principal brand ID / matching by external reference, client name, facility ID, date time created / updated with record limitation This get all client accounts includes get clients with changes of Postal Address, Cash Account, Link/ Delink Person, Nominated Bank, Contract Note Emails, Class Super Access

POST api/account/account

Create new trading account

POST api/account/client

Create new client account

POST api/account/advisor

Create new advisor account

POST api/account/advisor/{advisorID}

Update an advisor account

GET api/account/advisor/{advisorID}

Get advisor account

GET api/account/advisor?externalRef={externalRef}&date={date}

Get advisor accounts with matching external reference, date time created / updated

GET api/account/client/{clientID}/ipo-placement-allocation?placementIDs[0]={placementIDs[0]}&placementIDs[1]={placementIDs[1]}&placementType={placementType}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Get IPO Placement/Allocation of a client

GET api/account/client/{clientID}/outstandingfundobligation

Get unsettled fund obligation of a client

GET api/account/client/{clientID}/outstandingstockobligation

Get unsettled stock obligation of a client

GET api/account/contractnote/{contractNoteID}/pdf

Get contract note pdf file.

POST api/account/cancel-contract-tasks

Create a cancel contract task and attempt to execute that task. Check the task status on the returned object to determine the state of the request.

GET api/account/cancel-contract-tasks?clientIDs[0]={clientIDs[0]}&clientIDs[1]={clientIDs[1]}&taskStatuses[0]={taskStatuses[0]}&taskStatuses[1]={taskStatuses[1]}

Get cancel contract tasks. Results are sorted by the created date and status.

GET api/account/sponsored-balances?clientID={clientID}

Return daily snapshot of sponsored balances for client(s) with quantities that could be used for calculating registered stock available to sell for each client.

GET api/account/client-without-details?externalRef={externalRef}&clientName={clientName}

Get all clients with matching by person principal brand ID / by external reference, client name and client ID

GET api/account/branch/{branchID}

Get branch data with branch ID

POST api/account/{clientID}/brokerregistration

Update client broker registration

GET api/account/{clientID}/brokeragetemplate

Get the default brokerage template for a given client

POST api/account/{clientID}/brokerregistration/v2

Update client broker registration version 2

GET api/account/task/srn-search-task?taskID={taskID}

Get SRN Search Enquiry Task(s) detail and result.

POST api/account/client/{clientID}/activation

Activate client account

POST api/account/takeover-acceptance

Create takeover acceptance request using maker checker worklfow.

POST api/account/client/v2

Create new client account version 2

POST api/account/client/{clientID}/v2

Update a client account version 2

POST api/account/task/srn-search-task

Submit SRN Enquiry Task

POST api/account/client/institutionalcode

Get a client account details using exact match of BIC and BookingCode in profile.


ManagedFunds based endpoints.

POST api/ManagedFunds/Application

Managed Fund Application Creation

POST api/ManagedFunds/Redemption

Managed Fund Redemption Creation

POST api/ManagedFunds/Switch

Managed Fund Switches Creation


Market information based endpoints.

GET api/market/securities/quotes/v2?codes[0]={codes[0]}&codes[1]={codes[1]}

Gets quote information for a list of security codes

GET api/market/securities

Get all securities details or security details for a given security code.

GET api/market/security/{code}

Get security details for a given security code.

GET api/market/security/{code}/quote/v2?depthlines={depthlines}

Get quote details for a given security code. For non-managed fund security code, this will also be added to recent codes.

GET api/market/security?search={search}&limit={limit}

Get a list of securities based on user input. Minimum of 2 characters required before search is performed.

GET api/market/security/{code}/mfundpds

Get the URI location and disclaimer for a MFunds PDS.

GET api/market/announcementtypes

Gets all the announcement types and associated subtypes. These values are used as part of the search parameters in the announcements endpoint.

GET api/market/announcements?SecurityCodes[0]={SecurityCodes[0]}&SecurityCodes[1]={SecurityCodes[1]}&AnnouncementType={AnnouncementType}&AnnouncementSubType={AnnouncementSubType}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}&MarketSensitive={MarketSensitive}&Limit={Limit}

Search for announcements

GET api/market/announcements/file/{fileid}

Gets the announcement file

GET api/market/news/industrytypes

Gets all news industry types. These values are used as part of the search parameters in the news endpoint.

GET api/market/news?SecurityCodes[0]={SecurityCodes[0]}&SecurityCodes[1]={SecurityCodes[1]}&IndustryCode={IndustryCode}&StartDate={StartDate}&EndDate={EndDate}&Limit={Limit}

Search for news

GET api/market/news/{newsid}

Gets the news article

GET api/market/security/{code}/recommendations

Gets the research and recommendation information related to the security code

GET api/market/security/{code}/research

Gets the research article details related to the security code

GET api/market/research/file/{fileid}

Gets the research file

GET api/market/security/{code}/buysellSignals

Gets the buysellSignals article details related to the security code

GET api/market/buysellSignals/file/{fileid}

Gets the buysellSignals file

GET api/market/security/{code}/basisofquotation

Get basis of quotation for a given security


Trade based endpoints.

GET api/trades?tradeState={tradeState}&clientID={clientID}&clientExtRef={clientExtRef}&buySell={buySell}&securityCode={securityCode}&crossReference={crossReference}&brandIDs[0]={brandIDs[0]}&brandIDs[1]={brandIDs[1]}&tradeDate={tradeDate}&startTradeDate={startTradeDate}&endTradeDate={endTradeDate}

Get a list of trades not yet fully allocated to contract notes.

POST api/trades/booking

Unbook single or grouped trade lines with same security code.


International based endpoints.

POST api/international/orders/email

Send international order email update

POST api/international/account/{accountUID}

Update international account

POST api/international/person/{personUID}

Update international user KYC status

POST api/international/instrument/remove-cache

Reset international instrument cache by symbol key